While every effort has been made to ensure that your participation in the Shere 42k, Half Marathon or 10k multi-terrain event is enjoyable and trouble free, we need to make you aware of the following rules of the event;

  • Shere 42k starts promptly at 9.00am, registration will start at 0730am and finish at 8.45am. A briefing will be given at 8.55am prior to the race starting.
  • Shere Half Marathon starts at 9.30am, registration opens at 7.30am and briefing starts 9.25am
  • Shere 10k starts promptly at 10.00am, registration will start at 0730am. A briefing will be given at 9.50am prior to the race starting.
  • This is a chip timing event so numbers and chips can be collected at registration
  • All races take in some of the most stunning scenery that Surrey has to offer including the Surrey Hills ie Leith Hill, Holmbury Hill, Pitch Hill, Raynards Hill and St Martha’s and the North Downs (cumulatively 1350 metres or the height of Ben Nevis!). The course will be fully marshaled and have regular watering stations along the route.
  • We will have Marshall’s (wearing hi-viz jackets with the event name on them) at all major road crossings, these guy’s are here to help you so please respect their judgment when advising you on crossing the road.
  • Please do not drop any litter, respect your surroundings and the other competitors
  • There will be checkpoints at roughly 10km intervals storing water and other refreshments
  • The course will be fully marked out at regular intervals (no more than 100 meter spacings) and is run on defined paths and tracks so there is no need for competitors to take short cuts! the main reason is not only fairness to the other participants but to protect the natural surroundings and wildlife in the area.
  • All competitors must have the following items with them, mobile phone (at least one per team of three), water (although we will have 3 drink stations for 21k and 1 drink station for 10k), food (drink stations will have a quantities of fruit etc) A map can be purchased for a small fee prior to the day but we would highly encourage you to use a gps device as historically local dog walkers find it highly amusing to remove some of the directional signage.
  • If for any reason you need to drop out of the event, you will need to contact one of the organisers (via mobile phone) to inform us of your decision to leave the race and make your way to the next drink station/checkpoint. The contact numbers will be provided on the day. This is a safety event and needs to be adhered to.
  • The cut off time for the 42k event is 9 hours and the official back marker for the event will collect you and bring you to the finish line if you are struggling to complete the course.
  • The routes for all races are on the events page under the logos for each race.
  • For those cycling to the event, you may leave your bike at the pavilion by the start line at your own risk.
  • Bag drop will also be in the pavilion



    42K start